Saturday, December 02, 2006

The "Commoner"

The phrase that has had the most impact on me during the past few years goes a little something like this: "If you kick a dog long enough, eventually you are going to get bitten."

Its something of a revolutionary statement of sorts. Its empowering. It says its not only ok to say something is terribly wrong, but it allows the means to publically spread that message. Sometimes its violent, most times its prudence that contains it.

I was reading Blaming 'whitey', an interesting article discussing whether blacks should stop blaming the white population altogether before "reprisals" are felt.

Personal responsibility is important, but its just as important as historical responsibility. I'm not saying anyone race is owed some sort of apology, but I do think that an acknowledgement of neglect, economic exploitation and agreement on adopting a diverse lesson plans in the classroom are important.

Its beyond race I think. It might be capitalism. It might not.

Careful. We bite.

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